Brooks School of Scholars

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Recognition of Prior Learning Policy


This document sets out the procedures relating to the use of recognition of prior learning as evidence towards entry to a programme of study and/or achievement of a qualification.

Tutors/Assessors will discuss any prior learning and experience with learners during the enrolment process and prior to registration with the awarding organisation for any qualification.

Tutors will confirm entry to a qualification or exemption for aspects of a training programme ensuring the learner can meet the requirements of the course/qualification.

Learners will be given an indication of how RPL, including credit transfer, may be used towards achievement of a qualification along with any associated costs and the process and decisions relating to use of RPL for achievement are outlined further in this policy.

Types of RPL Evidence

Recognition of Prior Learning is process which makes use of evidence generated through learning and/or attainment by a candidate prior to the registration for a qualification or entry onto a programme of study, RPL is given for evidence of learning and not for experience alone.

Learning may be:

  • Certificated Learning, i.e. evidence of a previously achieved qualification from a regulated awarding organisation or Higher Education Institution/University.   Credit transfer is a type of RPL that allows credit points from certificated learning to contribute towards the credit for another qualification.
  • Non-Certificated, i.e. evidence from learning that takes place either within an education or training setting but does not lead to a formal certification, an example may be training courses, work-based training activities.
  • Experiential or Informal Learning, evidence from learning that takes place through life and work experiences and can often be unintentional and is not certificated.  It should be noted that experience alone is not deemed as evidence, evidence must be generated and/or presented by the learner and be capable of being authenticated by an Assessor.

Assessment Evidence Requirements

Tutors will discuss with learners how they may be able to use the above evidence to demonstrate that the criteria of the unit/qualification have been met. An assessor will need to determine that the evidence provided by the candidate is Valid, Current, Reliable, Authentic and Sufficient.

Certificated Learning

Learners must provide evidence of the certificated qualification, credit certificate (if applicable) and details of the qualification content such as a qualification specification, presentation of a certificate alone is insufficient evidence. We reserve the right to authenticate any qualification certificate presented by a learner to ensure that the qualification and any related credits have been awarded by a regulated awarding organisation or Higher Education Institute.

The certificated qualification should be at the same or higher level and the date achieved should not be more than any timescales determined by the awarding organisation.

Non-Certificated and Experiential Learning

Evidence produced from informal learning such as projects, tests or produced within the workplace can be presented for assessment against the qualification assessment criteria, this assessment will be by an assessor and may include a discussion with the learner to be able to assess underpinning understanding and for authentication purposes. All evidence must meet awarding organisation requirements/

Process of Claiming and Assessing RPL for achievement

Step 1: Induction/Prior to Registration

Tutors will:

  • Discuss with learners the option of using recognition of prior learning towards the achievement of a qualification. 
  • Create an assessment plan that details any units/ assessment criteria that could be demonstrated using RPL/previously generated evidence.  All assessment plans are subject to internal and external quality assurance.
  • Advise you learners of any deadline for presentation which would normally be within 10 days of unless under exceptional circumstances.
  • Explain the process, timescales and costs for the internal assessment and mapping of the evidence to the qualification criteria, including the:
    • possibility that the RPL evidence may not meet assessment requirements;
    • requirement for internal and external quality assurance;
    • candidate’s right of appeal.

Step 2: Assessment of RPL Evidence

Assessors will:

  • Assess and map evidence to assessment criteria of the qualification
  • Determine if evidence presented requires additional assessment or  whether the evidence meets the requirements of the qualification and is valid, authentic, reliable, current and sufficient). 
  • Seek IQA guidance and approval for the mapping.
  • Provide feedback to the learner explaining which units/criteria have been demonstrated by RPL, which units/criteria will require additional evidence or assessment and which units/criteria remain to be assessed directly using the qualification assessment methods.

Step 3: Recording Quality Assurance of RPL Evidence and Decisions

The Assessor will:

  • Complete assessment records, indicating which units/criteria have been assessed using RPL evidence, ensuring the RPL evidence is clearly referenced and mapped.
  • Ensure RPL decisions are subject to internal quality assurance.
  • Submit the mapping for any RPL to the awarding organisation for approval prior to claim for achievement.
  • Advise learners of the outcome of RPL decisions.

Right of Appeal

If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of any decision relating to RPL or believe that the procedures as outlined in this document have not been applied in a fair or objective manner you may appeal using our Appeals Procedure.

Contact Details

Office 3, 56 Kingsley Road, Hounslow, United Kingdom, TW3 1QA
Telephone: 07774235203

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