Brooks School of Scholars

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Nutrition and Healthy Eating

Understanding the nutrients your body needs to function properly and how diet and nutrition contribute to good health.


Healthy eating and drinking habits are crucial for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. However, with the vast amount of information available on the internet, it can be hard to know where to start. This course will provide you with a brief introduction to healthy eating and drinking habits, as well as some tips on how to make healthier choices in your day-to-day life.


1 – 2 hours

Learning Aims & Outcome

Upon completion of this course, you will have a good understanding of:

  • What is healthy eating and drinking
  • What are the benefits of healthy eating and drinking
  • How can you make sure you’re eating and drinking healthily
  • What are some healthy foods and drinks to eat and drink
  • Water and fluids
  • How much water and fluid do you need to drink
  • Types of fluids to consume for health
  • Carbohydrates, fats and proteins
  • What are vitamins and minerals?
  • The benefits of vitamins and minerals
  • Recommendations for vitamin and mineral intake
  • Nutrition needs throughout life
  • Pregnancy and lactation
  • The benefits of good employee relations
  • How to make sure you’re getting enough nutrients
  • People with chronic illnesses
  • The dangers of unhealthy diets

Value of Course

Developed by Professionals

This course is CPD Certified



The online assessment is taken on completion of the training material. You will be asked 20 multiple choice questions with a pass mark of 80%. The answers are marked automatically so you will instantly know whether you have passed. If you don’t pass don’t worry! You can take the test as many times as you need with no extra charge.


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