Reasonable Adjustment and Special Consideration Policy
All learners are entitled to request reasonable adjustment under equalities legislation, this policy therefore outlines the procedure that learners and staff should follow when considering reasonable adjustments and special consideration for learners undertaking a programme of study and/or qualification.
No additional fee will be changed in relation to any agreed reasonable adjustment.
Staff involved in the management, teaching, assessment and quality assurance of courses and qualifications must be fully aware of the contents of this policy and any relevant awarding organisation policy and must be able to advise learners accordingly.
Reasonable Adjustment
A reasonable adjustment to a learning programme or assessment helps to reduce the effect of a disability and enable a disabled candidate to demonstrate his or her knowledge, skills and understanding of the levels of attainment.
Reasonable adjustments must not affect the integrity of a qualification, but examples may be:
- changing usual learning or assessment arrangements, for example allowing a candidate extra time to complete an assessment activity;
- adapting teaching or assessment materials, such as using oral methods rather than written or providing materials in different fonts or colours;
- providing assistance during learning and assessment, such as a reader or assistive technology.
What is reasonable will depend on the individual circumstances, the course/qualification, cost implications and the practicality and effectiveness of the adjustment. Other factors, such as the need to maintain competence standards and health and safety will also be taken into consideration.
Special Consideration
Special consideration is applied after an assessment takes place if the learner has been disadvantaged immediately prior or during the assessment, for example where a learner has experienced temporary illness, accident or some other event outside of their control immediately before or during the assessment.
Applying Reasonable Adjustment
Staff should attempt to ascertain any learner disability during enrolment and/or prior to registration with the awarding organisation by questioning and considering any supporting evidence provided by the learner.
Learners are also advised to inform us of any additional learning needs when starting their programme of study in order that we can provide the necessary assistance. However, learners can request reasonable adjustment at any time by discussing this with their tutor or other member of the programme team. Adjustments relating to assessment must be requested no later than 15 working days prior to the start of the assessment
Any adjustment made will be unique to the learner with the aim of removing any unnecessary barriers to achievement but without adversely effecting the integrity of the qualification, all adjustments will be made in line with awarding organisation requirements must be recorded on the learner records.
Applying for Special Consideration
Special consideration is unlikely to apply to non-time constrained and uncontrolled assessment such as assignments or where assessments are available on demand and can be rescheduled without disadvantage.
Applications for special consideration will be made on behalf on a learner using the process defined by the relevant awarding organisation.
Learners are required to inform their tutor or other member of the course team of any circumstance that they feel negatively impacted their performance during an assessment as soon as possible but no more than 3 wording days after the assessment, supporting evidence may be required.
Supporting Evidence
Learners should provide, if possible, supporting evidence to underpin any request for reasonable adjustment or special consideration. Evidence could include, for example, medical reports, doctors’ letter, police reports, insurance claims.
Failure to provide supporting evidence may limit the assistance that can be offered.
Decision Making
It is BSOS’s responsibility to make reasonable adjustment to learning, however any adjustment to assessment must be made in line with and approved by the relevant awarding organisation in advance of the assessment taking place.
Applications for special consideration if considered appropriate will be made on behalf of the learner to the relevant awarding organisation who will make all decisions relating to the acceptance and consideration applied. If the application for special consideration is successful, the candidate’s performance will be reviewed in the light of available evidence as directed by the awarding organisation.
Right of Appeal
If you are dissatisfied with any decision made in relation to reasonable adjustment of special consideration or believe that the procedures as outlined in this document have not been applied in a fair or objective manner you may appeal using our Appeals Procedure.
Contact Details
Office 3, 56 Kingsley Road, Hounslow, United Kingdom, TW3 1QA
Telephone: 07774235203